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     时间:2020-04-10 18:43  








    Recently, national and local government has published regulations prohibiting overeating and trading of wildlife. The heavy penalties with strict controls seem to be effective, however, when it comes down to execution, it is the ability to identify wildlife and enforcing efficiency of law-executors on the basic level that is the key factor.

    Articles 28, 29 and article 30 of the Wildlife Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China have clearlystatedto support use of wildlifein legal ways. Therefore, in the process ofcontrollingovereating and illegal trade of wildlife,Ibelieve that the combination of dredging and containmentis the best wayto address both the symptoms and root causes.That is,whilestrengtheningtheprohibitionof illegal trading and overeating of wildlife,stillprovide the publicalegal access to wildlife through thecertificationsystem of the wildlifefarmingmanagement.Ibelieveby the development ofthe wildlifefarming management certificationsystem, we can help reducethenumberof public safety incidents, as well asimprovesustainable protection of biodiversity.

    For the moment, there is no specific regulation on the legalfarmingof wildlife in China. In the field of wildlifefarmingcertification,theonly relevantis thefarmingmanagement audit and operation guide issued by the State Forestry Administration.Therefore,I havefour suggestions fortheimprovement of wildlifefarmingsystem as below:

    First, strengthenpublic co妹妹unication andeducation.Somewildlifeeatertend to eat untreated wildlife rather than wildlife in captivity, which shows that the public knows little about the certification system of wildlife farming management, even less about the merits of this system. Therefore, the government Departments of Forestry and the Health should enhance publicawarenessof the legal raising and farming of wildlife in captivity. To promote the wildlife farming management certification system via the current popular new media, such as short videos,could help the public geta deeper understanding of the harm of overeating wildlife and the advantages of the wildlife farming system. Meanwhile, their awareness of actively refusing to eat illegal traded wildlife will get improved, so the public security incidents can be effectivelypreventedwhile the diversity of wildlife will be protected by human adjusted intervention as well.

    Second, the certification system should be improvedcontinuously.From the list of terrestrial wildlife with mature domestication and farming techniques release in 2003 to the operational guidelines for the farming and management of wildlife release by CFCC in 2018, more and more details had been added into the certification. However, the country should still speed up the improvement of the certification, and the relevant laws, regulations, and international conventions attached to the standard documents should also be timely revised and supplemented. To further expand the certified objects and their scope of certification, the object of certification could be extended from legal person to individual, the scope of certification could be extended from the companies that produce and operate rare and endangered wildlife to companies and individuals that farm rare and endangered wildlife and other wildlife. In addition, wildlife imported from abroad for production and operation should also be included in the certification system of China.

    Third, the management of certification personnel and the supervision of certification issuing institutions should be strengthened.In order to prevent certification personnel from being questioned by the public due to their lack of practical experience, we should conduct centralized and unified training for certification personnel, arrange certification personnel to study on the latest domestic and international laws and regulations, and establish a professional and authoritative certification team. At the same time, although wildlife farming management certification complied with national policy and the reform of administrative examination and approval had pass third party certification, the government should still supervise the certification issuing institutions. A evaluation system for checking the regular business of certification institutions could be issued by government, and the certified enterprise or individual should be spot-checked to assess the business capability of the certification issuing institutions and the degree of eligibility of the certified objects.

    Fourth, it is necessary to support the certification system with science and technology. The era of big data has arrived, an online certification system should be developed by the certification institutions to organize the certified objects to input the information of wildlife used for production and operation. In this way, governments and certification agencies could keep track of the dynamics of each wildlife. In accordance with national standards, wildlife is monitored from birth to final utilization. In addition, a case database should be formed for the government, legal wildlife farmers and other relevant personnel to consult wildlife cases, providing convenient channels for increasing the diversity of wildlife.(Written by Zixiang Wang)

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