“泼脏水”,字面意思“splash dirty water”,泛指对人造谣歪曲,决心中伤(slander),经常使用表达如“朝或人泼脏水”,与英语习语“hurl/throw/sling mud at somebody”意思附近,暗示“to say insulting or unfair things about someone, especially to try to damage their reputation”。
1. (年终特稿)爆款文创“
2. 韩最大在野党提请国会弹
3. 【人民城市·温情中国】“
4. 大国外交·回响丨近距离感
5. 河南桑坡村爆火背后的“
6. 北京正阳门箭楼向公众开
7. 新成果涌现、制造业成绩
8. 入关日期竟早于生产日期
9. 中国经济数据观|客流超
10. 电商西进背后:拼多多与
“泼脏水”,字面意思“splash dirty water”,泛指对人造谣歪曲,决心中伤(slander),经常使用表达如“朝或人泼脏水”,与英语习语“hurl/throw/sling mud at somebody”意思附近,暗示“to say insulting or unfair things about someone, especially to try to damage their reputation”。